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Fastening kit for hook end and counterholder

For attaching the chain clamping set no. 6540 on the subplate, composed of nut for T-nut, DIN 508 and screw complying with ISO 4762, class 8.8.

A L 6540H / 6926Z
L 6540G
M Weight
84251 14 - 25 M12 78
376483 14 35 * - M12 84
84269 16 - 30 M12 95
376509 16 40 * - M12 113
84277 18 - 35 M12 131
376525 18 40 * - M12 136
84285 18 - 35 M16 168
376541 18 45 * - M16 184
84293 20 - 40 M16 216
376566 20 50 * - M16 231
84343 22 - 45 M16 290
376582 22 55 * - M16 305
84350 24 - 45 M16 374
376608 24 55 * - M16 389
568518 22 - 55 M20 376
568523 22 65 * - M20 401
568519 24 - 55 M20 456
568524 24 70 * - M20 493
568520 28 - 65 M20 601
568525 28 75 * - M20 625
568521 28 - 60 M24 689
568526 28 70 * - M24 725
568522 36 - 70 M24 1100
568527 36 80 * - M24 1125

* For use of the protection set no. 6540KS